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Reg Bamford won the Jersey Open Championship

[<<] [>>] by Dave Kibble
23rd July 2001 (International)

Reg Bamford won the Jersey Open Championship in style yesterday, beating Mark Avery in the final with three successive sextuple peels.

Chris Williams reports that this as the first time an open final has been won in this way. Robert Fulford beat Aaron Westerby 2-0 in the French Open final in 1993 with two. Robert also beat David Maugham 3-0 in the third place match of the Men's Championship a few years ago.

Eye witness Stephen Mulliner reports that the last sextuple in the event had more than a smattering of interest - the main items being a take-off from near 4b to get 5-yard position for 3b, crashing through by 3 yards and then roquetting a ball near penult. These feats merely added to the "impossible" 1b and the
sweep escape after the penult peel.

Reg's success has earned him the World number one ranking spot, just 1 point ahead of Robert Fulford.

Reg has performed 10 sextuples so far this year, already a record (beating 9), but this may be extended in two easy condition tournament left to play, starting at Roehampton in two weeks time. Robert Fulford hopes to reach 12 himself, so the race is on. Reg's sextuples are: Jersey 4, Worlds 2, Sonoma 2, and Coles 2

Jersey Open Results

Reg Bamford bt Jamieson Walker +26tp(3ball), +26
Paul Duckworth bt Richard Knapp +19, +19
Don Gaunt bt Sarah Burrow +14, +26
Matthew Burrow bt Alan Newman +14, +20tp
Mark Avery bt John Taylor +16tp, +18
Leo McBride beat Kenster Rosenberry +24tp, +2
Tony Le Moignan bt Nigel Gray +25, +23
Stephen Mulliner bt Mary Knapp +25, +20

Bamford bt Duckworth +26sxp, +15
Gaunt bt Burrow -11, +17, +21
Avery bt McBride +15, -26tp, +26tp
Mulliner bt Le Moignan +26tp, -17tp, +12tpo

Bamford bt Gaunt -10, +26tp, +26tp(3ball), +26tp
Avery bt Mulliner +4tp, -26tp, +26tp, -12tpo, +26tp

Bamford bt Avery +23sxp, +26sxp, +26sxp


R. Knapp bt Walker +23
S. Burrow bt Newman +15
Rosenberry bt Taylor +21
Gray bt M. Knapp +14

Le Moignan bt R Knapp +23
McBride bt S. Burrow +17tp
M. Burrow bt Rosenberry +18
Duckworth bt Gray +16

Le Moignan bt McBride +26
Duckworth bt M. Burrow +26

Le Moignan bt Duckworth +10


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