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Subscription Rates for 2011

[<<] [>>] by Roger Bray, Hon. Treasurer
5th July 2010 (CqE Official News)

The subscription rates for 2011, in pounds sterling, will be as follows:

Individual Members

Standard and Overseas (including EU) £42 (£37)
Standard and Overseas composite £63 (£58)
Junior £12 (£12)
Non-tournament £27 (£22)
Non-tournament composite £36 (£31)

(Figures in brackets are the discounted rates for payment by direct debit.)

Member Clubs

Standard (per capita) £7.30
(Minimum total of £50; newly registered clubs in first, second and third years, maximum total of £50, £75 and £100.)
Universities and schools £30


UK £30
Overseas £40

Subscriptions were last raised in 2009. The main rates have been increased at around the rate of inflation over two years. In agreeing these increases:Council was mindful of the negative impact on the CA's finances of:

  • raising this year the lawn hire fee paid by the CA to clubs hosting CA events - from £22 to £25 per court per day, and
  • reducing next year the levy rate paid by clubs to the CA for tournaments listed in the Fixtures Book - from 30% to 25% of entry fees.


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