Ashby beat Northampton 5-2
[<<] [>>] by Derek Buxton
at Ashby Croquet Club
6 Jul
2010 (AC - Longman Cup)
Ashby CC beat Northampton CC 5-2 in the Longman Cup match played at Moira Tues 6th July.
On a very hot day the home team perhaps benifited more from familiarity with the very tricky conditions, ultra fast, sun baked, straw coloured lawns. It was not surprising that four of the games went to time.
All the players thanked Eileen Buxton for providing excelent food and drinks throughout the day.
Details, Ashby names first,
Richard Sanville (10) and Derek Buxton (10) lost to Mike Hills (4.5) and Richard Cain (16) plus14T
Arthur Rowe (4.5) beat Mike Bowser (6) plus16
Mick Haytack (9) beat Owen Bryce (10) plus 3T
Arthur Rowe beat Mike Hills plus 21
Mick Haytack beat Mike Bowser plus 11
Richard Sanville lost to Owen Bryce plus 1T
Derek Buxton beat Richard Cain plus 3T