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Sussex County beat Watford 4-3

[<<] [>>] by Roger Nicholls at Southwick
12 Jul 2010 (GC - Murphy Shield)

Sussex County 4 Watford 3

Watford names first
Ian Parkinson (3) and Nick Archer (3) beat Daphne Gaitley (2) and
Jonathan Isaacs (4) 7-3 7-4
John Walker (3) beat Christine Constable (4) 7-2 7-5
Arthur Reed (4) lost to David Gaitley (4) 7-5 7-2
Ian Parkinson (3) lost to Daphne Gaitley (2) 7-6 5-7 7-4
Nick Archer (3) lost to Jonathan Isaacs (4) 7-4 7-6
John Walker (3) lost to David Gaitley (4) 5-7 7-6 7-4
Arthur Reed (4) beat Christine Constable (4) 7-3 7-4

The match was played on a beautiful sunny day. The Southwick lawns had
just been prepared for the National Seniors championship starting the
following morning so with hoops set to 1/16th inch some of the players
struggled with their longer hoop runs.
At lunchtime Watford had taken a 2-1 lead. The afternoon session created
an exciting finish with the match drawn 4 all and the A team pairing of Ian
Parkinson and Daphne Gaitley going into a third game. Evntually Daphne
won the day for SCCC 7-4.
It was a great, close match with some high quality play from both sides.


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