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Guildford & Godalming beat Reigate 4-3

[<<] [>>] by Mark Godfrey at Surbiton
2 Sep 2010 (AC - Longman Cup)

Guildford & Godalming beat Reigate 4-3 in the quarter finals of the Longman Cup. After a disastrous morning when Reigate won all the games, Guildford scraped the win with the final game going to time.


(Guildford and Godalming names first)

Mark Godfrey (4) and Arthur Lindley (11) lost to John Hyde (8) and John Bristow (11) -19
Mike Thompson (11) lost to Neil Coote (5) -12
Andrew Fewster (11) loat to Andrew Gray (7) -19

Mark Godfrey beat Neil Coote +3
Arthur Lindley beat Andrew Gray +11
Mike Thompson beat John Hyde +7(T)
Andrew Fewster beat John Bristow +6


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