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Ed Duckworth retained the South of England Championship

[<<] [>>] by Roger Wood at Compton
18-21 Sep 2010 (AC - Championships)

Ed Duckworth retained the South of England Championship; Marcus Evans won the plate.

  David Maugham

David Maugham
+25tp +17tp

David Maugham
-17 +18 +17tp

Ed Duckworth
-26tp +14otp +17tp

Jim Field

Jim Field
+21 -8 +18

Paul Castell
Roger Tribe

Roger Tribe
-4tpo +12 +20

David Goacher
+23tp -23 +26tp

Debbie Cornelius
David Goacher

David Goacher
+26 +26tp

Graham Gale
Peter Trimmer

Peter Trimmer
+3 +26

Peter Trimmer
+17tp +7otp

Ed Duckworth
+14 +25tp

Dave Kibble
Tim Wilkins

Tim Wilkins
+25 -14 +10

Roger Wood
Marcus Evans

Marcus Evans
+19tp -16 +16

Ed Duckworth
+25tp +11otp

Louise Bradforth
  Ed Duckworth

Swiss Consolation Event - For the Sussex Union Cup

Winner: Marcus Evans 7 wins from 10 games (70%)

5/10 (50%) Roger Tribe
5/11 (45%) Jim Field
4/9 (44%) Dave Kibble
3/7 (43%) Roger Wood
4/11 (36%) Paul Castell
3/9 (33%) Tim Wilkins
1/3 (33%) Debbie Cornelius
3/10 (30%) Graham Gale
2/7 (29%) Louise Bradforth

Peeling prize: Ed Duckworth (3xTP in the KO + 1xSXP in a Swiss warm up)


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