Ashby beat Hamptworth 4-3
[<<] [>>] by Arthur Rowe
27th September 2010
(AC - Secretary's Shield)
Ashby beat Hamptworth 4-3 to win the Secretary's Shield
Tim King (4) Arthur Rowe (4) Mick Haytack (8) Richard Sanville (9)
Brian Fisk (-0.5) David Williams (0.5) Jonathan Lacey (0.5) Richard Smith (10)
This closely fought final was played at Cheltenham on Friday 24th September on excellent lawns. It was a grey and wintery day with some heavy rain showers in the morning, and a cold wind all day. The relatively easy lawn conditions favoured the players receiving bisques and Arthur and Mick both won their morning games +26. The doubles match was much closer, and although it looked like going Ashby's way at one time, some good play from Richard Smith saw Hamptworth finish +6 just before time, leaving the score 2-1 to Ashby at lunch.
Arthur again finished +26 against Jonathan after lunch, but Mick ran out of bisques against David who pegged out Mick's red ball leaving David for 1 and peg v 3 and box, with Mick having one bisque remaining. Mick hit in several times, and made some progress but was unable to get past 1-back. Richard Smith played well against Richard Sanville and eventually won +22. Although this game was last to finish it was clear which way it was going. The deciding game turned out to be between Tim and Brian. Tim ran out of bisques but then played well with his second ball to get to a position of penult and peg v 1 and penult, with Brian's balls wired at rover. Brian hit the 25 yard shot and looked set to finish with a controlled break but unfortunately over-approached hoop 4 leaving Tim an 8-yarder to hit in and finish and win the match for Ashby.
Results (Ashby Names First)
Arthur Rowe (4) beat David Williams (0.5) +26
Mick Haytack (8) beat Jonathan Lacey (0.5) +26
Tim King (4) and Richard Sanville (9) lost to Brian Fisk (-0.5) and Richard Smith (10) -6
Arthur Rowe beat Jonathan Lacey +26
Mick Haytack lost to David Williams -7
Tim King beat Brian Fisk +13
Richard Sanville lost to Richard Smith -22