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Report of 2010 CA AGM

[<<] [>>] by Ian Vincent at Hurlingham
19th October 2010 (CqE Official News)

Quiller Barrett took the chair of the AGM at the end of his first year as President, with about 80 Associates present, who between them represented 16 clubs.

Patricia Duke-Cox gave the report of Council and was thanked for her work in chairing it. Her record of visiting clubs was unsurpassed and she was pleased to have been able to report progress with Juniors and the Archives. Quiller summed up her character as being both diligent and charming.

Roger Bray presented the accounts for 2009, which had been published in the April Gazette. A budgeted deficit had turned into a significant surplus due to unexpected, but welcome, increases in subscription income and lower than anticipated expenditure. The centralisation of services in the office had reduced costs by about 10K, though there had been a capital outlay of £51K for the extension to the office to accommodate the shop.

The outcome for 2010 was still uncertain, though there was likely to be a significant reduction in shop sales, 80% of which are made to non-members. The total amount awarded in grants to clubs had now exceeded £150K.

There would be a subscription increase in line with inflation for 2011, but a reduction in tournament levy from 30% to 25%. Council was reviewing the balance between various sources of income and sought the view of members.

The officers and reporting accountant were re-elected and Peter Death, Martin French, Ian Lines and Alan Pidcock were elected to Council.

The constitutional amendments were all passed by large majorities, though with a small turnout.

That business having been safely conducted, the President came out from behind the table to make a number of presentations. The Steel Bowl was awarded to Gabrielle Higgins and the Apps Bowl, which from its hall mark is probably the CA's oldest trophy, was awarded to Jim Field. Its newest trophy, a turned wooden cup donated by John Spiers for the most improved Golf Croquet player, was presented to Howard Cheyne, who thanked his mentors and the Surbiton club. David G. A. Nicholson, from the East Dorset LT&CC was given the Coach of the Year award and Council Medals, for services to Croquet, were presented to Bernard Neal and Ian Plummer. CA Diplomas, for services to clubs and federations, were awarded to Shirley Buckley (Weston Super Mare), Owen Bryce (Northhampton), John Cotes (Durham), John Cundell (Leighton-Linslade), Arthur Davis (Ashby), Ken Dawes (Canterbury), Craig Edwards (Cheltenham), Brian and Barbara Kitching (Sussex County), Carol and Brian Lewis (Southport & Birkdale), Janet Lewis (Watford (Cassiobury)), Georgina Llewellyn (Llanfairfechan), Roger Loram (Canterbury), Ian McDiarmid (Woking), Len Nash (Crawley), Sarah Rankin (Sussex County), John Saxby (Bowdon), Alison Thursfield (Cheltenham), Brenda Vinton (Canterbury), Derek Watts (Tyneside) and Christopher Williams (Dyffryn).

Before closing the meeting, Quiller congratulated Wales and Scotland on winning their respective tiers of the World Team Championship and Great Britain on winning the MacRobertson Shield for the 7th successive time. Both he and Keith Aiton, who spoke on behalf of the GB team, paid tribute to the effort put in by the members of the clubs who hosted the matches so successfully.


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