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Report of January 2011 Council Meeting

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pictureCA Chairman, Barry Keen (Photo: Charles Waterfield)

by Ian Vincent
28th January 2011 (CqE Official News)

  • Council met on 22nd January at Hurlingham. In opening the meeting, the Chairman, Barry Keen, announced with regret the resignation of Cliff Jones as the SW Federation Representative on Council and paid tribute to his contribution in the fields of tournament management, coaching and refereeing over the years.
  • The Hon. Treasurer, Roger Bray, reported that he expected the 2010 accounts to show an overall surplus of about £5K, but this included investment income and was needed to compensate for the effects of inflation. A similar budget was agreed for 2011.
  • To increase openness and accountability, it was agreed that minutes, reports (including a summary of the management accounts) and agreed policy documents of Council and its committees should be published to Associates on the website, normally within four weeks of the meeting. Discussion papers should continue to be restricted to members of the committee and Council.
  • The bursary scheme for Juniors is to be extended for a further two years.
  • David Collins has retired from his role of organising croquet events for commercial organisations on behalf of the CA and was thanked for the contribution he had made.
  • A number of motions proposed by the International Committee, resulting from a long period of consultation and discussion, were passed, the main ones being:

"that Council agrees to the handover of the MacRobertson Shield to the WCF, provided that agreement is reached with the ACA, NZCC, USCA and the WCF to a mechanism for the ACA, CA, NZCC and the USCA to retain control of the MacRobertson Shield regulations with a form of supermajority voting."

"that Council agrees that in future, as long as the MacRobertson Shield continues to be part of a wider World Team Championship, the team entered in the MacRobertson Shield by the CA shall represent England rather than Great Britain."

Guidelines for handling conflicts of interest for people involved both with the CA and the WCF were agreed.

  • Draft objectives for the next few years were discussed and it is hoped that more specific proposals for financial strategy and increasing the amount of competitive play will be brought to the March meeting.
  • Finally, it was agreed that loyal greetings should be sent on the occasion of our Patron's Diamond Jubilee and the 2012 AC Inter-Counties named in her honour.


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