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Samir Patel won his first A class event during the Hurlingham Week

[<<] [>>] by Nelson Morrow
14th August 2001 (AC - Mixed)

Samir Patel took his first A class event by winning The Hurlingham Cup.

Hurlingham Cup

10 players


Samir Patel beat Jerry Guest +18
Nelson Morrow beat Ian Plummer +9


Samir beat Nelson +18 , +9

Championship Mixed Doubles

Pauline Healy & Geoff Cuttle beat Christine Osmond & Hugh Smorfitt

B-Class: Turner Cup

Malcolm Bigg beat Michael Hann

C-Class: Younger Cup

Martin Leach beat Russell Bretherton

C-Class Two

Toby Jessel beat Deidre Cochrane

D Class: Longworth Cup

Malcolm Cochrane.

Silver Jubilee Cup (Handicap)

Peter Spiller (9) beat Nick Parish (9)

Baillieu Cup: (Handicap Y)

Bronach Reid (11) beat David Wickham (9)

Wine Coolers: Men's Handicap Doubles

Philip Eardley & Martin Leach beat Lionel Wharrad & Peter Spiller

Y Men's

Tim Dutton & Michael Blair

Ladies Candlesticks: Ladies Handicap Doubles

Jean Oades & Lilian Schayek beat Anne Stephens & Ginnie Greig

Y Ladies

Christine Osmond & Celia Steward


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