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Fylde beat Shrewsbury 6-1

[<<] [>>] by Terry Vernazza at Fylde Croquet club
15 May 2011 (AC - Secretary's Shield)

Fylde beat Shrewsbury 6 -1

Overnight rain had freshened the Fylde lawns, although conditions were cloudy and cool. Shrewsbury had had a long drive for their first ever visit to Fylde.
In the morning games, Terry Vernazza was quickly into his stride making good breaks to get both balls around the hoops. He pegged out well within time to beat his opponent, Brian Christmas . Betty Bates had a much closer game against Allan Knight but eventually won +6. In the doubles, Graham Colclough quickly took his ball to rover but his partner Robbie Dodds was kept out of the game by the Fylde pair. Morton and Bradshaw slowly established control and, after a long tactical struggle, Martin Bradshaw eventually pegged out to give Fylde a 3 -0 lead at lunch.

After suitable refreshments, the players were ready for the afternoon singles. Although Terry Vernazza managed to get his balls to penult and 4 back, Robbie Dodds was in excellent form and required only a small number of turns to peg out, giving Shrewsbury their first game of the day. In the second game, Betty Bates used her bisques well and established control of the match, going on to beat her opponent, Graham Colclough, +13, thus guaranteeing Fylde an overall win. Despite a good start by Brian Christmas, Martin Bradshaw slowly edged in front, with the aid of his bisques, going on to win the game. Alan Morton established a early lead in his game against Allan Knight. The Shrewsbury player then mounted a strong challenge to stay in the game, but eventually lost out to Morton. This gave Fylde a 6 -1 victory, although the scores didn't truly reflect Shrewsbury's performance on the undulating Fylde lawns.


(Fylde names first)

Martin Bradshaw (8) and Alan Morton (14) beat Robbie Dodds (1/2) and Graham Colclough (8) +7
Terry Vernazza ( 6) beat Brain Christmas (3 1/2) +25
Betty Bates ( 14) beat Allan Knight ( 9) +6
Terry Vernazza (6) lost to Robbie Dodds -5
Martin Bradshaw beat Brian Christmas +14
Betty Bates (14) beat Graham Colclough (8) +13
Alan Morton (14 ) beat Allan Knight ( 9) +15


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