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European Team Championship - the programme

[<<] [>>] by Dave Kibble
24th June 2011 (Other News)

Play starts at 9.30 on each day with only one round on Sunday, thus ending at lunchtime.

Each match in the Swiss and the Plate comprises 3 Games: 2 games of 26-point Association Croquet, played under level advanced rules; plus one match of Golf Croquet, played as best-of-3 13-point games. All Swiss matches will have a 3hr30 time limit. The Golf Croquet match will have a sub-divided time limit of 1hr15, 2hr15, 3hr15. Before each match the Manager will hand both captains a Matchcard (one white, the other yellow). The Manager will have filled in the Match Ref., start time, countries involved, and lawn allocation. Each captain then writes their team for that match in the appropriate spaces. For countries with a squad of 4 or more, the captain may choose any 3 players for each match. The captain may then choose any of the team to play Golf Croquet. The two other players play Association Croquet: the stronger player must be entered on the AC1 line, the weaker on AC2. (If the opposing captain believes that the 2 AC players are not in order of strength, they must challenge before the start of the match. All such challenges will be decided by an ad hoc Management Committee.) The two captains then swap cards, and copy their team into the appropriate spaces. At the end of the match both cards should be completed and handed in. (It is useful for Management to have 2 copies of all results.)

The Teams


Martin Guntner (captain)
Georg SCHORR or Max Walderdorff
Klim Seabright


John Swabey (captain)
Tony Falcon-Uff
Allan Morris


Dave Kibble (captain)
Dave Mundy
David Foulser
Richard Thompson


Bruno Hess (captain)
Wolfgang Usbeck
Alexander Kirsten


Kieran Murphy (Captain)
Danny Johnston
Jack Clingan


Tony le Moignan (captain)
James le Moignan
Matt Burrow
Richard Griffiths


Roar Michalsen
Steinar Olsen
Birger Stene


James Hopgood
Martin Murray
Campbell Morrison


Juan Ojeda
Lucas Azcona
Juan Castano (and/or Jose Riva)


Simon Carlsson (Captain)
Ulf Soderberg
Joi Elebo


Ian Sexton
Norman Eatough
David Underhill (Captain)


Chris Williams (Captain) (all 4 days)
David Walters Fri, Sat, Sun
Garry McElwain Thu, Sat, Sun
Kevin Ham Thu, Fri
Les Bowker (all 4 days)
Alwen Bowker (all 4 days)


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