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European Team Championship - Final

[<<] [>>] by Andrew Gregory at Cheltenham
25th June 2011 (International)

FINAL: Jersey v Scotland

One game of each AC best-of-3 match, plus 2 games of the best-of-5 GC will be played Saturday evening.
On lawn 8: Tony le Moignan v James Hopgood
On lawn 1: Richard Griffiths v Martin Murray
On lawn 9: GC: Matt Burrow v Campbell Morrison

On lawn 8 le Moignan is first to 4-back, but Hopgood hits lift and gets going by approaching hoop 1 from the jaws of rover.
On lawn 1 Griffiths is round to 4-back.
On lawn 9 Burrow takes the first 7-2.

Lawn 8: Hopgood takes Yellow to 4-back. Leaves Red in 4th corner, Yellow 1' W thereof. Blue (for 4-back) is at 2 unrushable. Dunno where Black was - le Moignan's lifted it to end of A-baulk, hits Yellow, getting corner cannon.
Lawn 1: Some scrappiness. Griffiths 2 and 4-back, Murray 2 and 3.

Lawn 8: le Moignan underhits cannon and rush, declines tricky hoop, joins up. Hopgood misses 18-yarder. le Moignan gets going.
Lawn 1: Murray has break. Now both on 2 and 4-back.
Lawn 9: Burrow 5-2 up in second.


lawn 8: le Moignan has failed 3. Hopgood in with forward ball.
lawn 1: Murray has failed 3. Griffiths in with forward ball.
lawn 9: Burrow wins second 7-3.


lawn 8: Hopgood has leave. le Moignan misses aggressive 18-yarder. Hopgood should get position for standard TP.
lawn 1: Griffiths takes Yellow to peg. Now 2 and peg v 4 and 4-back. Murray needs to hit this 12-yarder, does so. Now has break with backward ball.


lawn 8: Hopgood jawses 4-back peel after 3. Doesn't rush back after 4, fails to get forward rush after 5. Goes for rush-peel before 1-back, with 1-back pioneer 2yNNE of 6. Copes, now back under control.
lawn 1: Murray's clip is on 5. Griffiths now has 4-ball break to win game.


lawn 8: Hopgood gets penult peel before 4-back. Negotiates straight rover peel, finishes
lawn 1: Griffiths seems nervous, but is holding himself together. 4-back pioneer is at 6 for some reason. Copes, finishes.

Overnight: Jersey v Scotland

Tony le Moignan trails James Hopgood 0-1 (-15TP)
Richard Griffiths leads Martin Murray 1-0 (+13)
Matt Burrow leads Campbell Morrison 2-0 (7-2 7-3)


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