Solomon Trophy 2011: Day 1 Commentary
[<<] [>>] by Brian Fisk
at Hamptworth CC
28th June 2011
1.5 rounds of doubles have been played today. In the first round, GB won 2 matches and USA 1. In the second round, 1 match is at 1-1, and in the other two matches, USA lead 1-0.
Court 1
Jim Bast (black) and Danny Huneycutt (blue) vs Ian Lines (yellow) and Samir Patel (red)
Jim went to 4b, Samir hit the lift and went to 4b popping blue through two hoops. Jim hits and makes a leave.
Samir hits leave. Ian breaks down at 2. Danny breaks down at 5.Ian is back in at 2
Court 2
game 1: Doug Grimley (red) and Ben Rothman (yellow) vs Tony Le Moignan (blue) and Stephen Mulliner (black)
Doug went to 4b, Stephen missed the lift and Ben completed a triple to go one game up. First blood to the US.
Game 2: Tony hits and goes to 4b. Ben hits lift shot and is in play
Court 3
Chris Patmore (yellow) and Jeff Soo (red) vs Ian Burridge (blue) and David Maugham (black)
David went to 4b, Chris hit the lift and went to 4b. Jeff started but blobbed hoop 2 and Ian starts a break
and goes to peg with no completed peels (black was jawsed but then unjawsed)
Samir: "you missed some of the interaction in our game"
Brian: "can't watch all three games and search for balls, install water coolers,
and do a shot by shot commentary :-)"
Court 1
Ian goes round to peg and puts in a leave..
Court 2
Game 2: Tony hits and goes to 4b. Ben hits lift shot and goes to 4b. Stephen misses lift shot. Doug starts break
Court 3
Lift shot missed then David fails 4b. Chris makes leave. Ian misses shot at yellow.
Jeff fails to apprach hoop3 and makes leave.
Court 1
After the missed lift shot Samir finishes and wins the first game for GB.
Game 2:
Ian blobs hoop 1. Danny misses Ians balls at hoop1. Samir hits blue,
takes off to red on the south boundary, makes a stop shot approach to hoop 1, and starts a break.
Samir goes off court in corner 4.
Court 2
Game 2: Tony hits and goes to 4b. Ben hits lift shot and goes to 4b. Stephen misses lift shot.
Doug goes to peg with no peels done and leaves black in the jaws of penult.
Stephen lifts black, shoots and misses.Ben makes 4b and penult but is hampered, misses and lets Tony in.
Court 3
Jeff fails to apprach hoop 3 again. David hits and starts break. David fails penult.
Jeff fails 3, David misses and Chris removes red from the wire and makes a leave.
Ian places his ball in corner 4 and Jeff finally makes hoop 3. Jeff fils to approach 4 and
retires to North boundary rejoining red.
Court 1
Game 2:
Ian sticks in jaws of hoop 1. Danny roquets Ians ball and makes hoop 1.
black and yellow both for hoop2. Danny in break.
Court 2
Game 2:
Tony makes leave with red and yellow crosswired across penult.
Ben corners red in corner 4. Stephen gets started having adjusted the shaft
on his mallet. Misses a cut rush and ends up near corner 1.
Court 3
David hits partner ball, makes penult and rover, and pegs out.
Bruce Rannie asked for comment on conditions.
Lawns running a round 12 seconds (lower two courts, 3 and 4, are slightly faster.
Ground globally flat with odd local intersing bits. Courts firm and drying after
overnight dew. Sunny intervals with moderate breeze. Temperature low 20s.
Rumble of thunder and breeze picks up a little.
Court 1
Game 2:
Danny goes to 4b leaving flattish diagonal spread. Samir hits lift and starts break.
Court 2
Game 2:
Ben misses 6 yarder and after further interaction ben shoots at partner ball near corner 4 and misses
leaving Stephen and Tony joined up south of hoop 3. Stephen gets started and peels blue in to the jaws of 4b
Court 3
Game 2: yet to start
After a lunch break for the commentator the pseudo-commentary continues.
Court 1
Game 2:
Lunch is taken with red and black on 4b, yellow on two and blue on hoop 1.
Court 2
Game 2:
Stephen completes his triple so game all. Players break for lunch.
Court 3
Game 2: lunch break over. Chris starts break after David misses shot at balls near corner 2.
Court 1
Game 2:
Jim hits long lift shot and goes to peg.
Court 2
Game 2:
Tony makes angled hoop 1 but is to hampered to continue. Doug hits and starts break.
Court 3
Game 2: Jeff blobs an angled 3 back. Ian shoots at red near hoop 1 and misses. Chris shoots at black and misses.
Ian hits but misses 3 yarder while setting up for break after hoop 3. Chris makesleave. Ian hits and starts break.
Court 1
Game 2:
Lift shot missed but Danny blobs 4b. GB lays up on East boundary. Jim hits partner from about 12 yds.
Lays up with black south of hoop 4, black SE of hoop 2, and red with a short rush on partner east of 4 back.
Black shoots and misses and Jim starts break by running 4b.
Court 2
Game 2:
Doug hits and starts break and goes to 4b leaving diagonal spread.
Lift shot missed and Ben starts break. Ben starts delayed triple before hoop 6.
Court 3
Game 2: Ian hits and goes to 4b. Leaves MSL. Chris hits and starts break. Chris fails to approach 2
so retires to join partner north of hoop 3. Ian shoots and misses.
Court 1
Game 2:
Danny completes break from 4b and pegs out. game all.
Court 2
Game 2:
Ben hampered after hoop 6 misses return roquet.
Court 3
Game 2: Jeff makes 5 yarder and starts break.
Court 1
Game 3:
Samir hits and goes to 4 back. Danny hits the lift; judging by the smile on his face he didn't hit the
ball he was aiming at :-)
Court 2
Game 2:
Tony stuck in jaws of 2. Ben misses 15 yd shot at blue and black by hoop 2. Tony continues his break.
Tony rushes red into back of hoop 6 and subsequently failed to run the hoop. Ben goes off gthe court in
corner 1. Stephen shoots at parner but narrowly misses.
Court 3
Game 2: Jeff makes 5 yarder and runs 4b. Makes leave and Ian hits lift shot, crosswires black ad blue at hoop 2
and leaves his balls on the south boundary with a rush to hoop 1. David's ruah goes to boundary south of hoop 1.
He approaches well but blobs the hoop badly. Chris shoots at blue and misses. Dave shoots at black but narrowly misses
(yellow couldn't see much of red and vice versa). Chris is in break.
Court 1
Game 3:
Danny goes to 4b with a diagonal spread. Ian narrowly misses blue on the east boundary.
Jim is in a break.
Court 2
Game 2:
Ben inexplicably fails 2b. Stephen starts break.Stephen completes rover peel on red.
He pegs out red and his own ball leaving his partner on 6 and Ben on 2b!
Court 3
Game 2:
Chris starts STP. After 4b his promotion cannon ends up near hoop two.
Various derogatory comments are heard :-) He creeps through penult and is hampered on all 3 balls.
He fails to hit anything and Dave has a three ball target from the north boundary for his lift shot.
Dave hits yellow by the peg. Dave is in break.
Stephen is reported as having said "sorry brainstorm" as he left the court.
Court 1
Game 3:
Jim dribbles through 5 and is hampered on his reception ball near the peg. The other two balls are by 4b
waiting for a peel. Jim and Danny consult. Jim puts black in corner 1 and Samir sets up for Ian. Ian tries a jump shot to get through an angled hoop 1 but fails.
He ends up near corner 4.
Court 2
Game 2:
Ben takes position at 2b. Tony shhots and misses. Ben runs 2b and lays up at 3b. Tony shoots and misses.
Ben hits and makes 3b but misses Tony to S boundary. Tony takes position but Ben hits. Tony takes position and Ben runs 4b but misses Tony.
Tony makes 6 and takes position at 1b. Ben tries to take position at penult but is short. Tony blobs 1b
but it appears runnable. Ben shoots and hits Tony who is just north of 1b. Ben clangs 1b badly with
his ball as he tries to appraoch penult. He retire to North boundsry as he is hampered from his own hoop.
Tony puts his ball 10 yds east of the peg. Ben shoots and hits. He tries a long penult but misses leaving his ball runnable but wired from Tony.
Tony takes the lift from B balk. Tony misses and Ben runs penult and approaches rover. Tony misses from near
hoop 1. Ben runs rover and lays up by the peg. Tony finally hits and takes off to 1b.
Court 3
Game 2: David peels 4b before 6. Penult is peeled and then he has a little challenge at rover having to jump the ball through the hoop to avoid roqueting his own ball.
David pegs out to complete a 2-0 victory.
Match score 1-0 to GB.
Court 1
Game 3:
play stops to watch the other match. Play resumes.
Court 2
Game 2:
Tony runs 1b and hits long reception shot. Makes 2b and has rush to 3b. Tony blobs 3b. Ben takes lift from
A balk. He shoots at blue but misses and clangs the hoop. Nicely set up for Tony! He makes 3b and 4b with a cut rush towards penult.
Tony over-approaches penult leaving Ben near rover. Tony takes position and Ben take a lift from B Balk.
Ben misses down to the south boundary. Tony runs hoop to s boundary where the ball roquets yellow in the
same stroke. Tony takes off fine to in front of rover. He runs rover to halfway to the s boundary leaving a 5 yard shot
at yellow. Stephen and Tony consult. Tony takes position a yard east of the peg. This does not meet with
universal acclaim however Ben misses and Tony finishes. Tony and Stephen win 2-1 and the match score is now
2-0 to GB.
Scores so far
Burridge and Maugham beat Patmore and Soo +15, +5TP
Le Moignan and Mulliner beat Grimsley and Rothman -2TP (Rothman), +3TP (Mulliner), +1
a correspondent wonders if the electrical storms around Gatwick (100 miles away as the crow flies I guess)
have affected Stephen. Sadly I don't think this exlanation would hold water as we have no storms here at present.
Court 1
Game 3:
sorry lost focus on this game. Jim fails to approach 1b leaving red and yellow joined up (1" appart) on the boundary s of hoop 1.
Jim scatters his balls to east and west boundaries. Ian fails to approach hoop 1 and joins up with his partner ball near corner 4.
Jim shoots at red and yellow but only manages a 'goal'. Ian sets off to have a nother go at hoop 1.
Match 4, Stephen Mulliner and Tony le Moignan vs Jeff Soo and Chris Patmore will start soon on court 4
now that we have a replacement hoop for the one the golf croquet players broke yesterday. This is one of
our new Hopewell hoops purchased only a few months ago. I forsee a return to the CA shop!
Court 1
Game 3:
Ian has finally made hoop 1. He has peeled 4b after 3.
Court 4,
Game 1.
Jeff Soo (yellow) hits Patmore's duffer tice after his opponents turned down the shot and laid up on the east boundary.
Stephen is black and Tony is blue. Jeff crawls through hoop 1 leaving himself a hampered shot at blue.
He misses and ends up halfway to hoop 2.
Court 1
Game 3:
Ian has finally made hoop 1. He has peeled 4b after 3. He gets out of position so is unable to
peel penult after 6. THe break continues.
Court 4,
Game 1.
Tony misses to the N boundary. Jeff mishits and ends up north of hoop 2 on the boundary.
Tony hits a 7 yarder. He subsequently misses an angled hoop 1. Jeff has a longish hit in.
Jeff runs hoop 2 but has a lot of work to do to get a recognisable 4 ball break.
Court 1
Game 3:
Ian left himself an angled 3b which he blobs having jawsed partner bal in penult on the way to 3b. Jim has
an easy shot.
Court 4,
Game 1.
Jeff is now on hoop 5.
Court 1
Game 3:
Jim continues his break with no peeling. He is hampered after penult but still makes the roquet.
Jim continues to peg leaving a diagonal spread with red some 4 feet away from the peg. Samir lifts red
and shoots from the end of B balk at blue and black. He misses. Danny get going and runs an angled
penult close to the peg leaving no shot on reception ball or on pioneer at rover. He elects to shoot
at oppo ball on east boundary and hits middle of the ball.
Court 4,
Game 1.
Jeff leaves a very flat diagonal spread with blue at the peg.
Stephen misses the long lift shot and Chris fails to approach hoop 1 and scatters the balls to a wide join on the
western part of the North boundary. Chris gets going and is setting up a delayed triple.
Court 1
Game 3:
Danny finishes to make the match score 2-1.
Bast and Huneycutt beat Lines and Patel -5, +17, +8
Court 2:
Ian Burridge (blue) and David Maugham (black) vs Danny Huneycutt (red) and Jim Bast (yellow)
Blue starts some 3 yards west of hoop 6. Red is placed level with the peg in the middle of the east half of
the court. Black shoots at blue and misses to N boundary. Yellow shoots at red and misses to E boundary.
Blue shoots at red and misses to E boundar near yellow.
Court 3
Ian Lines (blue) and Samir Patel (black) vs Ben Rothman (yellow) and Doug Grimsley (red)
Ben hits red in corner 2 with black and blue joined on east boundary.
Court 4
Game 1:
Jim takes off cross court and goes off letting Samir in. Samir breaks down in corner 3 leaving Ben with 3 balls.
Court 3
Game 1
Chris Patmore completes a TP for a +26TP.
Court 2
red makes hoop 1 and breaks down. So does blue.
Court 4
Game 1:
Ben fails to appraoch hoop 2 and retires. Samir shoots at partner ball in corner 3 but misses. Ben gets going
after a short delay for scyth action to find Samir's ball in the ong tangle of undergrowth (nettles and brambles).
Ben goes to 4b leaving a tight diagonal spread. Samir hits lift.
Court 3
Game 2
Chris hits black in corner 2 with yellow after red starts 2 yards north of 6. Chris fails to
get going on turn 3 letting blue into the game.
Chris fails to approach hoop 1 leaving Stephen with a shot at two balls near hoop 2 from hoop 1 which he misses.
Still no one has made hoop 1.
Court 2
Ian makes hoop 2 and lays up at hoop 3.
Ian makes hoop 5 after red shoots and misses leaving red and yellow diagonally split across the court. Ian gets to
3b with a leave.
Court 4
Game 1:
Samir is approaching 3b.
Court 3
Game 2
Chris is in play at hoop 3.
Court 2
Doug shoots at partner ball in corner 4 and misses. Dave has a rush to hoop 1.
He roquets parner ball and takes off to the balls in the corner hoping for a canon.
Unfortunately they weren't corner balls and his contrived canon leaves red several yards short of 1.
He play a good approach but fails to run the hoop from 4 feet.
Court 4
Game 1:
Ian manufactures a promotional canon from corner 4 promoting back halfway between and
one and two and getting a rush on yellow south of hoop 3. Ian makes hoop 1 with a
3 ball break with his hoop 2 pioneer midway between hoops 1 and two. Ian is struggling
to keep control and has had to abandon a delayed triple for the time being. He makes hoop 6.
Court 3
Game 2
Chris sticks in the jaws of 5. Tony fails to approach hoop 1 and retires to corner 1.
Yellow shoots and misses leaving Tony with a good opportunity. Tony is now on hoop 5.
Court 2
Danny hits with red and makes hoop 2 after failing to rush black at hoop 1 so
had to take off to hoop 2. He completes the break to 4b. Dave hits with the lift shot.
He blobs hoop 1 again from close range.
Court 4
Game 1:
Ian completes his break with a tidy diagonal spread..
Court 3
Game 2
Tony makes a good diagonal spread.
Court 2
Danny gets back in again and leaves his two balls east of hoop2 with black south of hoop 1 and blue north of hoop2.
David takes on the shot at red and yellow but misses. Jim starts his break but blobs hoop 1. Ian
makes a leave which Jim hits.
Court 4
Game 1:
Ian's diagonal spread was not as tidy as it looked with red and yellow open. Doug missed letting
Samir in with a 7yd roquet. Samir cross wires red and yellow at 4b (wide apart) and makes a leave in corner 4.
Doug shoots at the balls in corner 4 and misses. Samir fails to approach 4 and leaves his balls N of the hoop.
Ben shoots and hits black. He goes to peg pegging out blue leaving black south of hoop 1 and puts red off the
court while laying up in the middle of the west boundary.
Court 3
Game 2
Lift shot is missed and Stephen makes hoop 1. Stephen fails to approach hoop 2 and puts his ball in corner 3.
Chris shoots at blue and misses to the N boundary. Stephen misses blue and Chris this time hits blue.
Chris makes hoop 5 and lays up near hoop 4.
Court 2
Game 1:
Jim makes hoop 1. He leaves red just in front of 4b after hoop 3. He rush peels red before 6. He
subsequently rush peels penult on the way to 2b. Jim completes his TP to win the first game +18TP.
Court 4
Game 1:
Samir shoots and misses, They lay up on the E boundary. Samir shoots and I think the ball must have
hilled off and just missed, judging by his body language. Doug makes progress to hoop 4 while Samir
rues narrow misses. Doug makes 4 but fails to approach 5 and retires to corner 1. Samir takes position
in from of 4b. Ben misses red and leave a double in corner 1. Samir runs 4b and hits the balls in corner 1.
He makes penult down to rover and makes a 7 foot rover hoop. He shoots at yellow in corner 1 but misses.
Court 3
Game 2
After a further leave Stephen hits and yet again fails to approach hoop 2. Chris joins up with red
south of hoop 4 (we was wired from red). Stephen finally gets going and starts a delayed triple.
Stephen jawses blue on the way to 4b. He unpeels blue and then peels it down to rover. He completes
the irish peel of rover. Stephen wins +21TP to level the match at one game all.
Court 4
Game 1:
red and yellow lay up on the middle of the east boundary. Samir shoots at the peg and misses near to red.
Doug makes 5 off yellow and keeps going with a three ball break including an excellent hoop which
Ian Burridge described as the best hoop he would have ever seen if it was run but afterwards revised
his opinion saying difficult hoops should also look difficult :-). Finally making rover off black and rushing
yellow to 5 feet from the peg. +1 to Grimsley and Rothman.
See you all tomorrow though I shall be absent until lunch.