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Letchworth beat Newport 5-2

[<<] [>>] by Nick Mounfield at Letchworth
11th July 2011 (AC - Mary Rose)

The day started off badly for the home team with David Tutt (0) and Nick
Mounfield (0.5) losing to Newport?s Mike Porter (0) and Andrew Gregory
(1) courtesy of a well-worked triple from Andrew, and then deteriorated
further when Philip Windred (2.5) lost to Jim Potter (2.5). Thankfully
George Woolhouse (2.5) beat Chris Van Essen (3.5) to leave Letchworth
training 1-2 at lunch. Things got much better in the afternoon with George
beating Jim to level the score at 2-2. David and Nick then both won within
the space of a minute, and Philip completed the afternoon rout to give
Letchworth a somewhat-flattering 5-2 victory.

Results (Letchworth first):

David Tutt (0) and Nick Mounfield (0.5) lost to Mike Porter (0) and Andrew
Gregory (1) -11TP (G)

Philip Windred (2.5) lost to Jim Potter (2.5) -10
George Woolhouse (2.5) beat Chris Van Essen (3.5) +13

David beat Mike +15
Nick beat Andrew +16
George beat Jim +15
Philip beat Chris +9


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