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Cheltenham beat Woking 5-2

[<<] [>>] by Dave Foulser at Cheltenham
2 Sep 2001 (AC - Inter-Club)

Cheltenham beat Woking in the top half semi-final of the Inter-Club. Paul Smith & Bernard Neal were promoted to fill the shoes of Don Gaunt & David Magee, who were both unavailable. Paul only made one error against Malcom Bigg, which combined with a good deal of amazing shots to give him a surprise defeat. On the other hand, Bernard Neal carried on his fine season, aged 79, with a faultless triple peel against Peter Magowan and an almost complete triple in his other match - did all 3 peels but not the peg out due to peelee ending in the yard line and straight behind rover.


D. Foulser & D. Kibble beat J. Dawson & C. Southern +26
B.G. Neal beat P. MacGowan +16TP
P.L. Smith lost M. Bigg -19
D. Foulser lost J. Dawson -26TP
D. Kibble beat C. Southern +19TP
P.L. Smith beat P. MacGowan +25
B.G. Neal beat M. Bigg +19


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