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Colchester beat Woking 4-3

[<<] [>>] by Michael Heap at Woking
21 Aug 2011 (AC - Inter-Club)

Woking v Colchester
Sunday 21st August 2011
Nick Harvey -1/2
Malcolm Bigg 0
Mike Town -1/2
Colin Southern 3
Jack Wicks -1 1/2
Michael Heap -1
Steve Woolnough 0
Nick Steiner 1
Woking names first:
Harvey and Bigg lost to Wicks and Heap +11tpo (W)
Town beat Woolnough +6tp
Southern lost to Steiner +18
Harvey lost to Wicks +18
Bigg beat Heap +26tp
Town beat Steiner +26tp
Southern lost to Woolnough +26tp
Result - Colchester beat Woking 4-3
Woking hospitality excellent, lawns good but easy. Interesting in that
three of the four second round singles finished +26tp oppo did not take
croquet. Only the top singles game had errors!


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