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Ballot to elect Jonathan Isaacs as a Vice-President

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pictureJonathan Isaacs (Photo: Charles Waterfield)

by Ian Vincent
29th August 2011 (CqE Official News)

Individual Associates can vote online in the ballot on the motion at the AGM to elect Jonathan Isaacs as a Vice-President of the Association. Representatives of Member Clubs cannot vote in this way, but can download a ballot paper to vote by post. The closing date is 5th October.

Jonathan is Chairman of the Sussex County Croquet Club and initiated the Croquet Academy there. He served on Council from 2000-2009, chaired the Marketing and Management Committees and, whilst Chairman of Council, led the re-structuring of the CA's administrative staff, moving the shop in-house to an extension to the office at Cheltenham.

The other Vice-Presidents are Andrew Hope (who is a member of Cheltenham), Colin Irwin (Bowdon) and Stephen Mulliner (Surbiton).


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