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Nomination period for most improved player awards extended

[<<] [>>] by Ian Vincent
28th November 2011 (CqE Official News)

Three awards are made by the CA to the most improved players each season. They are the Apps Memorial Bowl for the most improved male player of Association Croquet, the Steel Memorial Bowl for the most improved female player (also of AC) and the Spiers Trophy, which is awarded to the most improved (male or female) golf croquet player.

The recipients are decided by the Handicap Committee, from nominations made by clubs. Until this year, nominations (for the previous season) closed in March and the awards were presented at the CA AGM. However, Council felt that this was too long after the achievement, so decided to speed up the nomination and selection processs. Nominations for this (2011) season's performance were to close on 30th November, 2011, but, as that had not been well publicised, the new Chairman of the Committee, Brian Shorney, has decided to extend the deadline to 31st December, 2011.

Nominations for the most imporved players of the 2011 season are therefore still invited and should provide detailed information about the improvement including records of handicap reductions and tournament achievements during the season (or, in respect of players who join the CA part way through the season, the portion of the season after becoming a CA Associate). Nominations should be accompanied by a copy of the player's handicap card and sent to the CA Office before the end of the year.


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