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Tournament Regulations updated for 2012

[<<] [>>] by Samir Patel
24th March 2012 (CqE Official News)

The Tournament Committees is pleased to announce the latest update to the Regulations for Tournaments, which take immediate effect. Most of the changes are for clarification, for example to identify those regulations that only apply to Association or to Golf Croquet, but not to both.

The main change that is likely to affect UK-based players is that odd-numbered association handicaps above 12 are no longer accepted. This enforces a decision taken recently by the handicapping committee. The other changes are to correct a poorly worded regulation covering the use of bisques after time expires, to extend the "Super-Advanced" trial period, and to make it easier for overseas players to comply with tournament entry requirements.

The full tournament regulations are available in the tournaments section of this website.

The changes made since the 2011 edition are:

  • T2b1 - Corrected to restore this regulation to its intended meaning
  • H1a - Amendment so that players require an official handicap at the start of an event, rather than when entering the event. This should have no effect on UK-based players, but is more readily complied with by overseas/visiting players.
  • H1d - Amendment that only even-numbered AC handicaps are permitted above 12, in accordance with the recent handicap committee ruling
  • Appendix 5 - Extension of Super Advanced trial
  • A number of clarifications have been made throughout to specify when regulations are only relevant to either AC or GC.
  • A few typographical errors have also been corrected


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