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Report of March Council Meeting

[<<] [>>] by Ian Vincent
4th April 2012 (CqE Official News)

Council met on Saturday, 24th March, at the Hurlingham Club, with bright sunshine outside. Bernard Neal, the immediate past President, was congratulated on reaching his 90th Birthday and Colin Irwin, a Vice-President, on having narrowly survived a heart attack during a game in Florida.

Formal business included the approval of the 2011 accounts, which showed a lower surplus, of £3K (implying an adjusted deficit of £5.5K) than anticipated, due to reductions in valuation of slow moving stock, requested by the Marian Hempsted, the Independent Examiner. The budget for 2012 was confirmed, which envisaged an adjusted deficit of £12K in the general fund, despite using the £6K of interest accumulated in the Duffield Bequest fund, and a similar deficit was predicted for 2013 unless subscription rates were raised. It was agreed to do so, for both clubs and individuals, broadly in line with inflation.

The revision of the proposed Reserves Policy, requested by the January meeting, had been completed and the outcome was agreed. The Benefactor's fund will be abolished and the Development and International Funds reduced to £65K and £10K respectively, concentrating all the capital not identified for specific use into the General Fund, which should simplify the accounts. It was emphasised that the introduction of the Reserves Policy was not intended to reduce spending on Development Grants, but separate proposals about Budgeting Policy triggered a review of strategy in this area, recognising that demand for grants currently exceeded what could comfortably be provided out of current levels of income.

The chairmen of the tournament committees were asked to prepare a paper proposing that players in all the inter-club team competitions should be exempted from the requirement that they be Tournament Members of the CA. Currently the exemption just applies to the Longman, Secretary's and Murphy events, which was thought to be anomalous.

It was reported that Frances Low will be given the Coach of the Year award and Ian Lines a Lifetime Coaching award. Chris Williams is to be awarded the Council Medal for his exceptional efforts in connection with the ranking system, croquet records site and as archivist.

ICT developments reported included enhancements to the login, tournament entry and survey facilities on the website, on which David Kibble was congratulated, and replacement of workstations in the CA Office.

Progress against the strategic objectives set last year was reviewed, with no serious causes of concern.

The Chairman, Barry Keen, thanked Patricia Duke-Cox and Jonathan Kirby for their valuable contribution to Council. He will represent the Association at the service of thanksgiving for the diamond jubilee of our Patron before he himself retires from office in October.

Ian Vincent, Hon. Secretary.


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