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Colchester beat Ramsgate 6-1

[<<] [>>] by Colin Hemming at Colchester
2 May 2012 (AC - Mary Rose)

Ramsgate were always going to struggle, given the difference in handicaps, but they gave a spirited performance.


Colchester names first:

Colin Hemming (1) & Nick Steiner (1) beat Tony Mockett (8) & Trevor Longman (8) +13
Peter Kenward (6) beat Charlie Martin (11) +11
Keith Saunders (8) lost to John Ruddock (11) -10

Colin Hemming beat Tony Mockett +9
Nick Steiner beat Trevor Longman +26
Peter Kenward beat John Ruddock +13
Keith Saunders beat Charlie Martin +5

A thoroughly enjoyable day for all, with great camaraderie and banter between the teams; just what croquet at this level is all about.


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