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Guildford & Godalming lost to Woking 2-5

[<<] [>>] by Bill Wood-Roe at Guildford & Godalming
8 Jun 2012 (AC - Longman Cup)

Woking played Guildford and Godalming on Friday 8th June in the first round of the Longman and came away the winners by 5 to 2. The match was played on the Guildford lawns, which are in an exposed position, in squally conditions with the occasional rain. We were all quite glad to get home to a hot shower !



Bill Wood-Roe (4.5) and Graham Service (12) beat Arthur Lindley (7) and Mike Thompson (8) plus 11
Michael Hague (8) beat Robert Bateson (5) plus 23
Michael Holland (9) lost to Andrew Fewster (9) minus 8


Bill Wood-Roe beat Robert Bateson plus 12
Michael Hague lost to Arthur Lindley minus 8
Michael Holland beat Mike Thompson plus 15
Graham Service beat Andrew Fewster plus 9


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