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Parsons Green lost to Hurlingham 2-5

[<<] [>>] by John Bowman at Parsons Green
18th June 2012 (AC - Longman Cup)

Hurlingham beat Parsons Green 5-2


(Hurlingham names first)

John Bowman (4) lost to Rob Minshall (3.5) -13
Peter Browne (6) beat Andrew Rutland (20) +12
Hugh Carlisle (6) beat Rosemary Callan (20) +19
Philippa Cardale (16) lost to Brent Taylor (20) -1T

Hugh Carlisle & Phillipa Cardale (22) beat Rob Minshall & David Fairman (23.5) +10
John Bowman (4) beat Andrew Rutland (20) +4
Peter Browne (6) beat Brent Taylor (20) +7T

NB Owing to a late withdrawal by a Parsons Green member, Callan played in the morning and Fairman in the afternoon (by agreement).


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