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Wrest Park beat Nottingham A 4-3

[<<] [>>] by Howard Bottomley at Nottingham A
16 Jun 2012 (AC - Inter-Club)

A windy day met the players on Saturday 16th June.

The doubles should have finished within the hour but the odd error and a few hoops for Wrest Park delayed James Death achieving 4 clips and a double peel to finish.

The singles however went on longer with George Collin's fine long peg out securing his first win and John Bevington steadily making it 2-1 to the home side at lunch.

Lunch went on for some time with play resuming at 3:30....

James did loads of peels before beating Rod Ashwell, whilst Howard Bottomley dropped his triple before running out a winner against Richard White. John Bevington succumbed to Paul Swaffield leaving George Collin to enjoy a close finish against Martin Beacon after the race to peg out each others rover ball.

WPCC 4 - Nottingham A 3

Rod Aswell / Howard Bottomley v James Death/Richard White -21
John Bevington v Martin Beacon +19
George Collin v Paul Swaffield +1
Rod Ashwell v James Death -20
Howard Bottomley v Richard White +22
John Bevington v Paul Swaffield -15
George Collin v Martin Beacon +3


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