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Dave Gunn won the National Forest AC Handicap Tournament

[<<] [>>] by Mick Haytack at Ashby Croquet Club
17 Jun 2012 (AC - Handicap)

Dave Gunn won the National Forest AC handicap tournament held at Ashby Croquet Club on 16th/17th June 2012

Entry levels were down on last year with nine players, two of them able to play on only one day. Nevertheless, it was a very enjoyable tournament and for most of the time the weather was good. The catering supplied by Jenny Biggs was superb and was enjoyed by all. Special mention must go to Vic Stilwell who travelled all the way from Dorset and to Judith Moore who was competing in her first proper AC tournament and managed a narrow win in her final game. Dave Gunn and Tim King both won their Silver award (twice) and Dave Gunn's handicap came down from ten to nine.

1st Dave Gunn 80%
2nd Tim King 60% (beat Mick)
3rd Mick Haytack 60%
4th Arthur Rowe 50%
5th Vic Stillwell 40% (beat Richard)
6th Richard Sanville 40%
7th Judith Moore 25%

Derek Buxton won his two games on Sunday and was the only player to beat Dave Gunn and Peter Dennis also played on Sunday.

Mick Haytack (manager)


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