Surbiton beat Nottingham 4-1
[<<] [>>] by Stephen Mulliner
29th September 2001
(AC - Inter-Club)
R Fulford & S Mulliner bt K Aiton & J Death +26tp(M)
Fulford vs Aiton unplayed
Mulliner lost to Death -16
J Dyer bt G Hopewell +3
P Hort by I Vincent +2
Dyer bt Vincent +25tp
Hort vs Hopewell unplayed
The match was played on one lawn at Surbiton during the Alternate. Although Surbiton eventually reached 4-0 by lunch, Vincent and Hopewell made good starts for Nottingham and for some time looked like giving the visitors an unexpected 2-0 lead. However, after 3 hours and 20 minutes of fun-filled crowd pleasing, Hort and Dyer edged home. In contrast, the doubles and Dyer v Vincent were quick and clinical affairs and sealed the match. Mulliner then gave Death some reward for his lengthy train journey by failing an angled 2-back and Death completed a double peel to avoid a whitewash.