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CA beat Swiss CA 13-8

[<<] [>>] by Klim Seabright
9th July 2012 (CqE Official News)

The Croquet Association side managed a convincing win against Switzerland at Bowdon Croquet Club. The match, played over two days, resulted in an overall score of 13 points to 8 points in favour of the home side. There was a mixture of Association and Golf matches.

Association Croquet

Guest and Weir bt Eatough and Williamson +18
Keen bt Underhill 26TP
Seabright and Weir lost to Eatough and Underhill
Keen lost to Williamson -18
Weir lost to Underhill -14
Keen lost to Eatough -17
Guest bt Williamson +6,
Garcia and Weir lost to Williamson and Underhill
Seabright lost to Eatough -4
Guest bt Eatough +7
Weir bt Williamson
Garcia bt Underhill +4
Seabright bt Underhill +5T*
Weir bt Eatough +4T*
Garcia lost to Williamson -2T*,

Golf Croquet

Seabright lost to George 1-2
Guest bt George 2-0
Seabright bt George 2-1
Guest bt George 2-0
Seabright bt George 2-1,
Guest bt George 2-0

*not full games


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