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Charlie Martin won the Ramsgate Handicap Weekend

[<<] [>>] by Ashton Hulme at Ramsgate Croquet Club
8 Jul 2012 (AC - Handicap)

Charlie Martin retained his Ramsgate Open Handicap Singles Association Croquet Title at the West Cliff Lawns on the weekend of 7th-8thJuly. In a repeat of last year's final he beat Liz Maltby (Medway) +6.

There were 16 players, including four from Medway, one from Canterbury, one from Purleybury and one from Watford. They were divided into 4 American Blocks. All matches were played over 3 hours with a Base 10 handicap. Liz Maltby (Medway), and locals Trevor Longman and Charlie Martin each won all 3 Block matches. In the other Block locals Roger Loram and Christina Rice both had two wins, so Roger qualified by winning the head to head between them.

In the semi-finals Liz Maltby beat Trevor Longman +1 on time, whilst Charlie Martin defeated Roger Loram +21.

In last year's final Charlie had 6 bisques against Liz Maltby and won +24 but such has been his meteoric rise that this time he had to give her 2 bisques. It seemed that Charlie would win easily as he was ahead with Liz having used both her bisques, but she clawed her way back into the lead. However such is Charlie's skill, steadiness under pressure and tactical nous that he overtook her in a final flourish to win.

Everyone remarked on the excellent quality of the lawns, such that Charlie Martin and Trevor Longman qualified for silver medals and Nigel Wilson (Purleybury), Chris Phillips (Medway) and locals Christina Rice and Lee Ault qualified for bronzes. The caterers were thanked for the excellent food provided


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