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Jeff Farrington won the Colchester Spring Weekend Handicap Tournament

[<<] [>>] by David Haslam at Colchester Croquet Club
10 Jun 2012 (AC - Handicap)

Jeff Farrington won the Colchester Spring Weekend Handicap Tournament

The later date of this tournament in order to avoid the Queen's Jubilee celebrations may have contributed to a smaller entry than usual and so only 12 players assembled in the drizzle on a cold Friday morning. The drizzle soon receded to be replaced by torrential rain which lasted intermittently for most of the day. The two remaining days were devoid of sunshine but play continued without interruption, other than the delays whilst waterproofs were donned or taken off. The format was Egyptian and after Day 1 only Peter Kenward (5) was on 100% after 26ing George Woolhouse (2) and edging out Nick Steiner (1) by +2. Four others, namely John Andrews (12), Alan Clark (10), Nick Steiner and Jeff Farrington (7) each had 2 wins out of 3.The second day saw Mike Bowser (3.5) emerge as a likely winner with Alan Clark and John Andrews sharing the lead with 4 from 6. The notable turn of the weekend saw George Woolhouse execute successfully a TPO. Well done George. And so to the final day where Jeff Farrington won both of his games to end up with 5/7, Nick Steiner ended with no further defeats giving him 5 from 8 whilst Jon Andrews was beaten by the manager (a rare win this for David Haslam) thereby being deprived of the cup. Overall a successful tournament but oh for some warm, sunny weather!


1st Dr Jeff Farrington
2nd Dr Nick Steiner
3rd Rev John Andrews


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