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South of England Week Results

[<<] [>>] by Colin Hemming at Compton Croquet Club
29 Sep 2012 (CqE Official News)

Results of the South of England Week:


Event 1: Handicap Singles (Knockout) for the Devonshire Park Cup

Winner: Graham Pegley

Event 2: Class Singles

Level Advanced Play, American Blocks

2A: The Ionides Cup winner: Roger Wood
2B: The Devonshire Park Salver winner: David Mumford
2C: The Luard Cup winner: Georgeen Hemming
2D: The Trevor Williams Cup winner: Rodney Parkins

Event 3: Handicap Doubles

Knockout (X) with consolation knockout (Y)

X: The Anna Millns Sweet Dishes winners: Jane Hull & Brian Shorney
Y: The Gilbert Spoons winners: Graham Pegley & Craig Oakley

Event 4: Consolation Singles for the Brittain Porringer

Flexible Swiss, Handicap or Level Advanced as agreed between players

Winner: Craig Oakley


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