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Dulwich beat Watford at Surbiton to win the Murphy Shield 4-3

[<<] [>>] by Dr Ian Vincent at Surbiton
1st October 2012 (GC - Murphy Shield)

With a finish reminiscent of the Ryder Cup, the Murphy Shield finished at hoop 13 in the final game, with cheers (and no boos) from the crowd. Dulwich just snatched victory.

Mark Ormerod & Guy Scurfield bt Steve Dennis & Janet Lewis 7-3 7-3
Peter Haydn lost to Ian Parkinson 7-2 7-6
Farook Malik lost to John Smallbone 3-7 7-5 7-3

Mark Ormerod bt Steve Dennis 7-4 7-1
Guy Scurfield bt Janet Lewis 7-4 7-3
Farook Malik lost to Ian Parkinson 7-6 7-4
Peter Haydn bt John Smallbone 7-5 7-6

The teams were grateful to Surbiton for its usual outstanding hospitality. John Handy presented his trophy to Dulwich captain Sue Lightbody.


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