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Change to Eligibility Conditions of Inter-County Championships

[<<] [>>] by Elizabeth Larsson
15th January 2013 (CqE Official News)

There have been major changes to the eligiblity criteria for the Inter-County Championships with additional conditions created. As a result, that many players may now be eligible for a greater number of counties.

The additional criteria are:

  • Players can now play for the county of their parents' birth county.
  • Players can now play for a county in which their club is located if they live an an adjacent county
  • Have permanently lived in a county for at least three continous years (excluding education)

This is a summary and players should look at the full conditions which can be found at: Inter-County Tournament Conditions

The Inter-County Championships, both AC and GC, are very popular events, and it is hoped that more players will become eligible to play.

Players can add counties to their record so that county organisers can see who is eligible. Just go to the Members' Area and bring up your record and click on 'add counties'.


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