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Roehampton lost to Aldermaston 3-4

[<<] [>>] by Martin Burger at Roehampton
23rd May 2013 (AC - Mary Rose)

Roehampton A) David Mooney (0.5)
B) Douglas Gurney (0.5)
C) Tim Russell (1.5)
D) Peter Siddall (3.5)
Aldermaston A) John McMordie (0.5)
B) Bob Harris (2)
C) Andy Myers (3)
D) Martin Burger (4.5)

David Mooney and Douglas Gurney lost to John McMordie and Bob Harris -11
Peter Siddall beat Andy Myers +24
Tim Russell beat Martin Burger +18

David Mooney lost to John McMordie -3
Douglas Gurney lost to Bob Harris -10
Tim Russell beat Andy Myers +19
Peter Siddall lost to Martin Burger -15

Conditions were cool for May , the courts quite fast with firm hoops . Rain was confined to the lunch break with a flurry of hail in the afternoon .


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