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Stephen Mulliner won the Ramsgate GC Championship

[<<] [>>] by Stephen Mulliner at Ramsgate
12th June 2013 (CqE Official News)

A field of ten players played 13 point bo3 matches in two blocks of five to produce four semi-finalists. Ramsgate's lawns were in excellent condition, running at about 11 seconds plus or minus 1 second depending on the brisk easterly breeze.

In the semi-finals, David Dray beat fellow-local Tobi Savage 7-4, 7-6 and Stephen Mulliner beat James Goodbun 4-7, 7-6, 7-2. In the final, Stephen beat David 7-3, 7-2. The Plate was won by Charlie Martin with Christina Rice as a close runner-up.


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