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Reg Bamford wins the Western Province Championship in great style

[<<] [>>] by Elizabeth Williams
18th March 2002 (International)

Chris Williams reports: "I have just had news that Reg Bamford won the recent Western Province Championship in South Africa, performing 4 sextuples, 2 quintuples, 1 quad and 1 triple in his 8 games.

Reg's results were:

Reg Bamford bt Rex Davis +24 sxp
Reg Bamford bt Judith Hanekom +26 sxp
Reg Bamford bt David Mundy +26 sxp
Reg Bamford bt Louis Nel +26 qp
Reg Bamford bt Peter Quinn +25 sxp
Reg Bamford bt Mark Avery +25tp, +25qnp, +18qnp

Louis Nell's report


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