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AC Inter-County promotion relegation resolution

[<<] [>>] by Chris Williams
26th June 2013 (AC - Championships)

Following discussions over recent weeks, it has been decided that the fairest resolution of the 2013 Counties is to apply the Resolution of Incomplete Blocks from section F2e of the Tournament Regulations and to promote three and relegate three teams as usual.

Applying F2e results in the following

  • Relegated from Division 1
  • Middlesex
  • Essex
  • Berks/Oxon
  • Promoted from Division 2
  • Suffolk
  • Channel Isles
  • Gloucestershire.

The Justification of the decision is

  1. Interpreting the regulation as it stands such that "games between individuals" is translated as "matches between teams".
  2. Match points clearly give three down.
  3. Match points leaves Gloucester and Bedfordshire tied, but Glos won the match between them.
  4. There is no justification for promoting/relegating fewer teams under the regulations.

It is also proposed that the Regulations for the Counties are amended so that there is a specific Incomplete event regulation for the Counties, which will use match points, but will take into account the default Counties tie breaker of game wins rather than who beat whom, which is effectively how the current F2e resolves ties.


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