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Chester lost to Wrest Park 1-4

[<<] [>>] by John Bevington
28 Jun 2013 (AC - Mary Rose)

Wrest Park names first

Bryan Harral (1) and John Bevington (1) lost to Mark Lloyd (.5) and Jerry Guest (1.5) -17
David Marsh (1.5) beat David Guyton (6) +9
Tim Brewer (3.5) beat Dennis Graham (4.5) +2

Bryan Harral beat Mark Lloyd +18
John Bevington v Jerry Guest abandoned
David Marsh best Dennis Graham +12
Tim Brewer v David Guyton abandoned

After a very wet drive up to Chester it was a relief to find the rain had stopped before play began. The doubles was scrappy to begin with, but an intended wide join which drifted down the slope to leave the balls much closer than had been intended gave Jerry the opportunity to go to 4-back. The games were paused for a much appreciated and very welcome hot lunch and concluded soon afterwards. Bryan recovered his form to beat Mark, who then had to dash off to appear in the Chester Mystery Plays.

The rain reappeared soon after lunch and got steadily worse, so when David had beaten Dennis to give Wrest Park a winning lead it was agreed to abandon the remaining games. Chester would in all probability have won at least one of these, as Jerry had just conceded the innings when on peg and peg against 2-back and 2-back. In typical fashion the rain stopped just after we had cleared everything away. Many thanks to Chester for their hospitality and the excellent lawns.


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