New WCF Treasurer Required
[<<] [>>] by Dr Ian Vincent
9th July 2013
The CA has been invited by the WCF to nominate candidate(s) for the following vacancy, which will be filled by a ballot of WCF member associations.
The World Croquet Federation is seeking to appoint a new Treasurer to start work as soon as possible; the outgoing Treasurer will be able to assist with a handover.
The role has a 4 year term, and attracts a small honorarium of £250 a year. Its scope is summarised in the following, extracted from the WCF Admin Regulations:
Terms of Reference for Treasurer
1. To manage the finances of the WCF according to the Financial Regulations
2. To prepare the annual budget for approval by Council
3. To guide Council and the MC in all financial matters, and propose finance policy
4. To maintain a record of the non-financial assets of the WCF
5. To prepare annual accounts and arrange their inspection
6. To manage the WCF's investments according to the approved investment policy.
In addition, the Treasurer is an ex-officio member of the Management Committee with one vote. The MC has general administrative powers to carry out the work of the WCF and manage its financial affairs on a day-to-day basis, subject to the direction of Council. Its terms of reference include:
To implement policy and actions in pursuit of the agreed direction given by Council
To present to Council an annual plan for the following year including a budget
To inform Council regularly of progress, activity and issues
To prepare proposals and make recommendations as part of formal Consultations to Council
To distribute to relevant sub-committees the tasks they are to execute, to oversee their activity, to take decisions concerning the reports of these sub-committees, and to forward them to Council
To monitor the Statutes with a view to identifying possible improvements for proposal to Council
To maintain and approve all WCF Regulations, subject to ratification by Council
To manage a rolling 10 Year Schedule of events, to solicit bids against this plan once approved by Council, to assess bids and reach formal agreement with the host Member, and to ensure the event is organised according to Statutes and Regulations
The WCF finances are stable and it has reasonable reserves, a review having just been conducted by the outgoing Treasurer. The specific Treasurer workload is something around 50 hours per year; participation in the MC discussions varies widely but may be something like 3-5 hours a week.
The primary skills required include:
Proficient finance skills
Simple bookkeeping experience
An awareness of, and sensitivity to, the cultural and organisation differences of the various Member associations around the world
Ability to work within a framework of rules defined in the WCF Statutes and Regulations.
The candidate may be in any part of the world, as the MC operates primarily by email and Skype. (The current and deposit accounts are currently all held in the UK or Australia.) Candidates should apply to the current S-G, Martin French ( and can discuss the role in more detail with the President or any member of the Management Committee.