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Jeff Farrington won the Colchester 50+ Handicap Tournament

[<<] [>>] by David Haslam
11th July 2013 (AC - Handicap)

The Colchester Over 50's tournament was, as usual, over subscribed and the field contained a remarkable number of very low handicapped players. It soon became apparent that there were some rapid improvers who were more than capable of despatching the "stars" by educated use of their forests of bisques.

The weather was vey mixed and jerseys were in evidence for the first two days. The first competitor to catch the manager's eye was Tony Elliott and he looked a certainty to take the trophy. He had a convincing +20 victory over the otherwise unbeaten Jeff Farrington. However, on the final morning the canny Wendy Spencer-Smith edged it +6 over Tony. That meant the outcome was undecided until the final matches. Jeff won again as did Tony but with the flexible Swiss Format Jeff Farrington ended the day with 7 wins from 8 (88%) whilst poor Tony, having played one game fewer ended second with 6 wins from 7 (86%). In third place was a welcome returner to the game, Arthur Lindley, who finished with 5 from 7 (71%).

As usual the Colchester Club did us proud with some excellent meals.

1st Dr Jeff Farrington:
2nd Tony Elliott
3rd Arthur Lindley


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