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Colchester beat Ramsgate 5-2

[<<] [>>] by David Haslam at Colchester
11 Jul 2013 (AC - Longman Cup)

Colchester Team: Jeff Farrington (5), Georgeen Hemming (7), David Haslam (11) and Jane Collier (12)

Ramsgate Team: Charlie Martin (5), Tony Mockett (6), Trevor Longman (8) and Lee Ault (10)

Results (Colchester names first)

G Hemming beat C Martin +18
D Haslam beat T Mockett +13
J Farrington & J Collier lost to T Longman & L Ault -2

J Farrington beat C Martin +18
G Hemming beat T Mockett +21
D Haslam lost to T Longman -1
J Collier beat L Ault +14

Star of the show was Georgeen Hemming who played a couple of accurate games with both poise and flare.

David Haslam fought to the last to lose by 1 having been pegged out by Trevor Longman.


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