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Kenilworth beat Shrewsbury 4-3

[<<] [>>] by Clifford Daniel at Kenilworth
13 Jul 2013 (AC - Longman Cup)

For Kenilworth
Cliff Daniel & Alan Richardson Won The Doubles +2 On Time
Alan Richardson Won His Singles +1 On Time
Frank Hibbert Won One Singles +7 On Time
Nigel Haslam Won One Singles +7 Pegging Out

Shrewsbury Players Were Robert Parsons, Graham Colcough, Alan Smith And Allan Knight


On Saturday 13 July we entertained Shrewsbury for our next encounter in the Longman Cup match played in hot sunshine with amazingly fast lawns and in a splendid spirit.
The morning games saw Frank and Nigel lose their singles matches whilst Alan & Cliff won the doubles. Nigel's loss was very close indeedby 1 hoop on time.and his opponent made his winning break in his very last turn which began with him being down by 4 hoops. In the doubles Cliff made one particularly good break early on which proved decisive, the final margin being a mere 2 hoops after time had been called.
As in the previous Longman Match, the home team were inspired for the afternoon session by the sumptuous meal taken in the main clubhouse!
Nigel and Frank each won their games +7, doggedly maintaining an early lead. Nigel, according to his opponent, played especially well and managed to peg out as well!
Both of the other games were extremely close. Cliff's opponent repeated his success of the morning by again coming from behind in the latter stages of the game. Alan, frustratingly, saw his lead of 4 hoops overhauled by his opponent and came to the lawn, after time had been called, with the game score level! He calmly hit in with a 10-yard roquet and then understandably nervously played a short 'take-off' shot to hoop 5 and jubilantly ran the hoop to give the home team victory!
Naturally, with the home team fully elated, tidying up the lawns was delayed whilst we had a celebratory drink either a filter coffee courtesy of Robert from Shrewsbury orin view of the warm weather(!) a cold drink of lime cordialtogether with a tasty piece of carrot cake that had been supplied by our opponents!


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