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Letchworth beat Cheltenham 4-2

[<<] [>>] by Peter Ross at Letchworth
19th July 2013 (GC - Inter-Club)

Letchworth hosted Cheltenham in their GC Inter-Club Championship match on Friday 19th July, a relentlessly sunny and hot day. Letchworth won 4 to 2, the doubles leg having been suspended at one game all at lunch time and not resumed.

My thanks go to all the players and to Ian Mantle as manager, provider of cold drinks and occasional referee, for a good-humoured but spirited and strongly contested match.

Letchworth beat Cheltenham 4-2


(Letchworth names first)


Nick MOUNFIELD (0) & Duncan HECTOR (1) versus Stuart SMITH (0) & Tony FORBES (1): 7-5, 6-7 (incomplete)
David TUTT (2) lost to Jaimie MUSSI (2): 5-7, 4-7
Peter ROSS (2) beat Richard THOMPSON (1): 7-5, 6-7, 7-6


Nick MOUNFIELD beat Stuart SMITH: 7-5, 7-4
Duncan HECTOR beat Tony FORBES: 6-7, 7-4, 7-6
David TUTT lost to Richard THOMPSON: 4-7, 6-7
Peter ROSS beat Jaimie MUSSI: 7-5, 7-4

Match Summary

Team Letchworth Cheltenham
Rubbers 4 2
Games 9 7
Hoops 100 93


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