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David Magee won the National Seniors' Championship

[<<] [>>] by Julie Horsley at Budleigh Salterton Croquet Club
21 Jul 2013 (AC - Championships)

First time lucky proved to be the case for David Magee (Cheltenham) as this was the first time he had entered the National Seniors'. In a block of 10 with handicaps ranging from -1 to 1.5, he won 7 out of 9 games as also did Simon Hathrell (Watford), but David having beaten Simon won the Trevor Williams Cup .
In Block B there was a 3 way tie - Tony Bower(Budleigh), Mary Knapp (Surbiton) and Chris Donovan (Budleigh)all with 6 wins out of 7. Mary Knapp emerged as the winner for the Colin Hemming Cup.
Block C for the deAnsorena Cup was won by Roger Hendy (Sidmouth).
Block D for the Nigel Graves Trophy was won by Wayne Wiseman (Bristol) with a clean sweep.
Block E was won by Jackie Hardcastle (Budleigh).
The Handicap singles event was played as an X and Y Knockout with Peter Miller (Sidmouth) winning the X and Peter Hills (Sidmouth) winning the Y.
The Handicap doubles ( using the new trial handicap doubles variation) was played as an X and Y Knockout with Mike Taylor (Sidmouth) and Ken Wallman (Bribie Island) winning the X and Charles Townshend (Budleigh) and Barbara Thompson (Budleigh)winning the Y.
The unaccustomed heat seemed to take its toll - as very few players opted to play any games other than their scheduled ones - still a welcome change from wind and rain.


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