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Colchester beat Cheltenham to win Inter-Club final 5-2

[<<] [>>] by Dr Ian Vincent at Surbiton
6th October 2013 (AC - Inter-Club)

On a gloriously sunny autumn day at Surbiton, Colchester regained the Inter-Club trophy from Cheltenham. The clubs have now won it six times each.

The doubles was over fairly quickly: Sarah went to 4-Back; Rob failed a TPO, ending on Rover having done one peel. Chris stuck in 1 off the contact; Colchester missed; Sarah hit hoop 1 but not the ball; Ian Finished. The singles took rather longer: Colin Hemming beat David Foulser, but Dave Kibble beat Nick Steiner, giving Colchester a 2-1 lead at lunch (Chicken Mango and Banoffee pie).

Rob Fulford completed a TPO against Chris Williams in the afternoon and then finished to give Colchester a 3-1 lead, then Ian Burridge won to take Colchester over the line. The other two games were shared.

Robert Fulford & Ian Burridge bt Chris Williams & Sarah Burrow +16
Colin Hemming bt David Foulser +16
Nick Steiner lost to Dave Kibble -4

Robert Fulford bt Chris Williams +10tpo
Ian Burridge bt Sarah Burrow +11
Colin Hemming lost to Dave Kibble -8
Nick Steiner bt David Foulser +25


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