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Tournament Regulations - Updated for 2014

[<<] [>>] by Samir Patel
10th March 2014 (CqE Official News)

The CA Tournament Committees is pleased to publish the Tournament Regulations for the 2014 season.

The principal changes have been as follows:

  1. C2(b) - Permitted forms of play removed (as this duplicated I(d)), with subsequent sections renumbered
  2. F2(e),(f) and(g) - Regulations for incomplete blocks updated to clarify applicability to doubles, team and/or best-of-N events
  3. L - All approved variations to laws have been collated within a new Regulation L
  4. L1 - Amended to make it clear that, as has become common practice, the Super-Advanced variation applies if both players agree, unless the specific conditions for an event say otherwise
  5. L4 - Trial AC Handicap Doubles Variation extended to all games in 2014
  6. L5 - Trial GC Wrong Ball Law removed
  7. M1(f) - Acknowledgement that the views of the host club should be considered when deciding whether a lawn is fit for play
  8. P4(b) - Requirement to report game (or match) results added
  9. P4(f) - A new regulation requiring the striker to bring to the manager's attention any condition that may make a court unfit for play.
  10. P5(a) and P5(b) - Modified to make it clear that players are expected to bring a completed handicap card to all tournaments (whether handicap or level play). Sanctions against players who are unable to substantiate their handicap available to the Tournament Handicapper under H2b3 are now specified.
  11. T1 - Addition of standard time limits of 3, 5½, 7½, 9 and 10½ hours for best-of-5 matches when time limits are applied
  12. T4(b) - GC Time Limit regulation modified for clarity and to bring terminology into line with equivalent AC regulation
  13. Appendix 1 - Tolerances on hoop settings changed to -50%, +0 from specified width
  14. Appendix 2 - Updated Domain / Home Area terminology following 2013 AGM

A number of formating and typographical changes have also been made.


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