Edgbaston lost to Pendle & Craven 1-4
[<<] [>>] by John Filsak
at Edgbaston
30th May 2014
(AC - Mary Rose)
Match played at Edgbaston
(Pendle & Craven names first)
Robert Essler and Roger Schofield lost to Henry Fellows and Ian Slater -8
John Filsak beat Paul Trafford +16
Andrew Webb beat Brian Claye +8
Robert Essler v Henry Fellows unfinished
Roger Schofield v Ian Slater unfinished
John Filsak beat Brian Claye +26
Andrew Webb beat Paul Trafford +26
3.30: two of the morning games were still in progress. On lawn 1 Andrew was taking ages to get his final hoop and peg-out, while on lawn 2 Henry, having grievously pegged out his partner's ball, was shooting and missing. 3.45: Andrew finally pegged out and the afternoon games began on that lawn. A few minutes later Henry finally hit something and put the doubles out of its misery. 5.15: John pegged out, followed half-a-minute later by Andrew, and the match was won. The players on the other lawn, realising that they had homes and tournaments to go to, decided to call it a day.