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Wrest Park lost to Colchester 1-8

[<<] [>>] by John Bevington at Wrest Park
7th June 2014 (AC - Inter-Club)

Saturday 7 June at Wrest Park

Colchester beat Wrest Park 8-1



Robert Fulford (-2.5) and Mark Avery (-2) beat Bryan Harral (1) and George Collin (1) +23

Michael Heap (-1) beat Tim Brewer (3) +11 (pegged down at lunch and completed later)

Martin French (-1.5) beat John Bevington (1) +10

Fulford beat Collin +18

Avery beat Harral +26TP


Fulford beat Harral +25TP

Avery beat Collin +26TP

Heap lost to Bevington -25

French beat Brewer +16TP

There was a bottle of champagne on offer for the first TP on the new Wrest Park lawns (as the odds were short enough we had said that TPOs wouldn't count). Bryan, our captain and a generous host, agreed to go the full three rounds, and following the doubles he was on the receiving end when Mark Avery claimed it. Vic Rees, spectating with John Wheeler, said that the first TP on the old Wrest Park lawns was done by Keith Wylie. In the other top singles Robert had laid for a sextuple against George, who hit the long shot and made a few hoops before the end. John was first to 4-back against Martin but twice failed to take advantage of good positions, and Tim and Martin's game was pegged down. Four-nil down already. It was very wet.

After a very welcome hot lunch - our thanks to Sharman Harral (and Dan) - the sun shone and layers were shed. Mark cruised round to another +26TP (5/6 turn - I forget. Neither of them took more than 40 minutes). Robert followed it up with another against Bryan, but John saved the whitewash with a win against Michael, having being given an easy start when Michael stuck in hoop 2. Martin then got in on the act with a TP against Tim, which left Tim and Michael to resume their morning game, Michael eventually winning +11. Eight-one. Oh dear. But all in all a most enjoyable day - it really is the taking part.


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