Jeff Farrington won the Colchester Spring Handicap Tournament
[<<] [>>] by Nick Steiner
at Colchester Croquet Club
1 Jun
2014 (AC - Handicap)
Jeff Farrington won the singles event(The John Foreman cup). Terry Mahoney & Heather Bennett won the doubles at Colchester Croquet club.
The format was changed this year, as well as the date, to one full day of doubles, followed by 2 days playing singles.
Six pairs took part in the doubles , playing fourteen point games. Five games were played so each pair played the others. Two teams won four games, but as Terry & Heather beat Graham and David the St. Albans pair took the trophy.
Sixteen competitors entered the singles. The format was flexible Swiss handicap to the base 10. There were some memorable games including a stupendous turn from David Haslam. He ran three back, then four back then hit the manager's ball in corner 2. In spite of being well behind and having used his 10 bisques, he went on to win the game!
Minimal cloud, plenty of warm sunshine, good food and drink, and excellent company.
1st Jeff Farrington 83%
2nd = Erica Malaiperuman; John Knight; & George Woolhouse 80%
1st Terry Mahoney & Heather Bennett
2nd Graham Bond & David Ebert
3rd Erica Malaiperuman & Nick Steiner