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Regional Coaching Pods Launched

[<<] [>>] by Ian Burridge
2nd July 2014 (Other News)

I am pleased to announce a number of coaching "pods" being formed across the country. Each pod is intended to provide a focus for local A and B class players to get together and improve their game in a relaxed local environment. It is hoped these relatively informal groups will facilitate the sharing of knowledge, help establish informal mentoring arrangements and generally raise the standard of play across the country. Whilst pods will generally be centred at one club they may hold sessions from time to time at other local clubs in the area.

It is hoped that each pod will find time to hold two sessions in the remainder of this year. Each session will be two to three hours long covering a particular topic e.g. lift leaves, openings, pegged-out endings. Pod sessions will generally be held on weekday evenings but might also sometimes be held at weekends.

If you are a CA member and wish to participate please register with one or more pods, which will ensure that you are included in their future circulations and that you are informed whenever they intend to hold a session.

The intention is that this will be an on-going programme with further pods established at the start of next season and meeting around 4-6 times per year.

Ian Burridge
International Performance Director


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